into living the life of your dreams


4 weeks of one-on-one support to grow your business and expand your life

You are motivated but disoriented. Where to even begin?

You have a big vision for your life and business - we are talking about the Era Tour business (because even if you’re not a Swiftie fan you can admire the empire she has built). 

You want the life all these people on social media keep talking about

  • Randomly booking a last-minute trip without needing the stars to align and to request the time off or to burn through the savings account

  • Working 3 hours a day and having their phone go off with non-stop notifications of sales and leads

  • Knowing what you are doing each day and knowing that it is exactly what you need to do to make it

That life

Then this is for you

This is for the business owner (or aspiring business owner) who wants to grow their business but wants to test the waters of what coaching can do for them. 

If you are in your first or second year of business or haven’t worked with a coach before, this is for you. 

What’s included:

  • A goal-setting call to set the stage for our time together and map out your business growth. 

  • Weekly one-on-one 60-minute coaching calls

(a total of 5 calls in 4 weeks - we are speeding shit up for you)

 This is 100% coaching, which means I will share strategies with you, coach you through how to implement them and then help you adjust them as needed to fit your flare, your ideal client desires, and your uniqueness. If that is creating a strategy and plan to sell more passive income, I will provide you with training, tools and strategies on our calls and walk through it together so you don’t have to add another 4 hours of work to your week.


I am a lover of travel, marketing, dancing, business and living my best life. I help motivated women solve their lack of income so they can have financial security and time freedom by using aligned marketing strategies combined with mindset tools to remove limiting beliefs.

I’ve created a business that has allowed me to live my life on my terms constantly making my dreams a reality.

+I have been able to leave my 9-5 job
+I have travel somewhere (local and international) every month - just like I wanted
+I have woken up to sales in my emails over and over again
+I have been asked to guest speak at several events

And now I help badass women, like you, do the same.