Planning Session

A step-by-step plan to reach your next goal with ease

It’s like an overnight Amazon package to get you making $$ before the end of the year

Being your own boss is amazing.
You have the freedom to do things the way you want.
But sometimes we take on the world. We put pressure on ourselves to do it all.
And we lose the lust and excitement of being a CEO.

Here’s the thing… you are a genius at what you do.
AND that also means there are things in your business you aren’t meant to be doing alone.
And it doesn’t make you less successful.

This is why I am offering Planning Sessions.
This is your customized manual to reach your goal and
income growth with

You are meant to focus your energy on your zone of genius.
Let’s simplify your path.

Your Planning Session is your customized manual to reach your next goal. 

During our 90-minute call, we will gain clarity on what step-by-step action plan will best work for you to reach your goals, what tools you need to make this happen and work through any blocks that are currently holding you back. 

After our call, I will put together your step-by-step plan outlining what to do and when to do it.

I know you may have questions as you work through your plan which is why I will be available to answer any questions you have for 10 days after you receive your package. 

We go through an intake form so I get the back story of what you are looking to gain from this planning session. This allows me to map out our session so you can get the most out of it. 

You get exactly what you want.

When you know exactly what to focus on and how to format all your ideas in a way that best benefits you and your business, your life starts to look like this:

  • You know exactly how to show up on social media for your ideal client to see your offer as a no-brainer

  • Taking the morning off doesn’t make you feel guilty because you know exactly what needs to get done that day to keep your business functioning and growing

  • You are efficient with your time. I am talking about being able to get so much more accomplished without needing to work extra hours.

  • You are launching your offers with a system that simplifies your work and time while providing the highest customer care possible

  • You are taking more time off because your business is running so smoothly without you needing to be glued to your computer 24/7

 You can use this session to:

  • Map out your new business

  • Develop new sources of income for your current business

  • Map out your social media or funnels for your business

  • Map out a detailed launch plan for your next offer to call sales with ease

  • And so much more!

$250 USD

A Sneak Peek Into What Your Plan Can Look Like

Each plan is unique to you. 

Most plans range from 10-20 pages of content. 

Every plan includes some mindset tools to work through any blocks identified on the call as well as a suggestion of a timeline and items to focus on first to increase your success, motivation and focus. 

For example, if you are feeling stuck with how to show up on satires for your business, this section of your plan could look like this:

  1. Identify the overall main focus/north star of your business and messaging

    • On our call, we identified __________ as your North star

  2. Think about your ideal client and your north star, what do they need to hear today? 

  3. What are 4 things you love to talk about that either relate to your business or you do often (like reading romance novels) - these are some brand pillars, things you will be known for

    • These are things you can talk about frequently to relate to your ideal client

  4. Based on the above write out 5 ideas for each brand pillar for these categories

    • Educational

    • Inspirational 

    • Sharable

    • Social proof

    • Engagement (question box, poll, etc.)

  5. These are some ideas we brainstormed on our call:

    • ___________

    • ____________



I am a lover of travel, marketing, dancing, business and living my best life. I help motivated women solve their lack of income so they can have financial security and time freedom by using aligned marketing strategies combined with mindset tools to remove limiting beliefs.

I’ve created a business that has allowed me to live my life on my terms constantly making my dreams a reality.

+I have been able to leave my 9-5 job
+I have travel somewhere (local and international) every month - just like I wanted
+I have woken up to sales in my emails over and over again
+I have been asked to guest speak at several events

And now I help badass women, like you, do the same.