Elevating Your Small Business: Marketing Strategies for 2024

Running a small business requires the ability to step into many roles, often making it hard to spot new opportunities to expand. Marketing, in particular, is an area that's always changing. New strategies are popping up left, right and centre. It can feel overwhelming to stay on top of it all.

As we head into 2024, here are the marketing strategies you should keep in mind as you work on elevating your business.

1. You Need To Get Your Business On Pinterest

Pinterest isn't just another social network; it's a powerful search engine. Here's why it's essential for your business:

  • Pinterest works like Google but with images. You don't need many followers to get noticed because your pins will populate based on the words people search on the platform

  • It's all about pictures, which can help attract more attention to your brand.

  • Pins last longer than regular social media posts, giving your content more time to be seen. I have pins from 2018 that still bring thousands of views each month to my profile and website.

If you are just starting on Pinterest and Instagram is your main social media account, simply reshare your IG posts to Pinterest. Focus on generating traffic first, and then take the time to create a strategy.

If you need help cross-poting and expanding your current social media efforts, I have a free video on my YouTube channel to help you expand your reach across other networks. Watch the video.

2. The Power of Email Marketing and Newsletters

Emails and newsletters are still some of the best ways to reach your audience.

It allows you to directly contact and connect with your customers. Unlike social media, where people follow thousands of people and are shown ‘suggest posts’, people’s emails are a curated area of information. You get direct access to people that are interested in what you have to say and offer.

Give people a reason to join your email list - a free download, a free challenge, exclusive discounts and offers, etc. And once you have people in your email list, keep them updated on your business.

3. Using User-Generated Content

Get customers or large accounts to create content for your company. The benefits of having someone else showcase what you offer will elevate your reach and business growth.

  • It builds trust with potential clients as they can see other people using your product or working with your services. People often trust customer-made content more than they trust ads.

  • It’s more cost and time-effective than making all the content yourself.

  • It helps customers feel connected to your brand by creating a community.

Get past clients to send you pictures and videos such as testimonials.

4. Using AI to Simplify Things

AI is now a practical tool, not just a fancy concept. Whether you have fully embraced it or are sitting on the fence about it, it is something you should start exploring for your business as it can help you in many ways.

I suggest using it as a resource for templates and research.

  • AI can look at your data and find trends in what your customers like.

  • It can help research and edit your content but make sure to still add your personal touch. Your audience needs to know that what they are reading has been written by a human.

  • AI can handle routine tasks, freeing you up for more creative work.

Sometimes, you need to step back from your business to see new opportunities. These simple yet effective strategies for 2024 can help you do just that, giving your business a fresh edge in a competitive market.

Remember that the work you are putting in right now compounds. Changing your strategy does not mean you are starting from scratch.

Need help creating the right content for your business? Check out our most popular marketing packages here and book a free consultation.


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