3 Things You Can Do to Improve Your Website’s SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important steps in increasing your online visibility and generating website traffic. Even the most well-designed websites aren’t self-sufficient: they need SEO’s helping hand to appear prominently in search engine results like Google. 

SEO is so important, that platforms like Instagram have enhanced their software to understand posts and profiles for SEO purposes better. This means that if someone searches “marketing” your profile and posts are more likely to populate because the platform better understands what you do and wants to put you in front of the right people searching for it. 

So, what is SEO? 

It is having specific words on your website that describe exactly what you do, what you sell and who you sell it to. It is the process of enhancing your website's visibility so that it shows up more often when people search for what you offer. 

For example, if your business website specializes in selling paintings in Toronto and your SEO is effective when someone searches for 'paintings in Toronto,' your website will prominently appear on the search engine results page. You will reach your target audience and customers a lot quicker. 

Here are 3 things that will vastly improve your website’s SEO:

  • Start Blogging: Adding a blog section to your website and posting regularly is a fantastic way to add new keywords without overhauling your entire site. If you consistently publish informative keyword-rich content, you can improve the relevance and authority of your site in the eyes of search engines. Choose 3 keywords for each blog post and make sure they show up in your blog post at least 4 times to enhance your SEO for these words. 

  • Use Image Labels and Alt Text: When you post images on your website, label them with keywords your ideal client is using to search for services like yours to help improve your visibility in search results. Another important thing to add is the descriptive alt text, which is a brief description of the image to provide context for search engines and visually impaired users. 

  • Create Meta Descriptions: Meta descriptions improve your website’s click-through rates and search engine rankings. These are individual summaries for each web page on your site. They will appear below your website’s link in search results and provide users with an overview of what to expect when they click on the link. Meta descriptions are a great way of enticing users to click through your website. If you craft concise, unique, and informative descriptions, you can attract more traffic. 

Your business site deserves to be seen and acknowledged by your target audience, and with these strategies in mind, you’re on the way to making that happen. 

Need help creating the right content for your business? Check out our most popular marketing packages here and book a free consultation. 


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