4 Ways to Up Your Social Media Game

‘Social Media’ has been the hottest buzzword for longer than we can count. What began as a digital album to store what people ate for breakfast has become a tool for success. You can now reach thousands of people within minutes. 

To increase your success on social media, you need to keep 4 key things in mind: 

Your Perspective is Unique. Don’t Be Afraid to Share It: 

In the world of business, where everyone's talking about the same industry topics, it's important to stand out. Remember, your business is unique because you're the one running the show. Don't make the common mistake of using a cookie-cutter voice. Instead, let your personality and your voice come through in your content. Whether it's sharing real stories, unscripted moments, or genuine insights, be yourself. Audiences appreciate real connections, and when you inject your genuine thoughts into your content, you can build a strong bond with your viewership.

Engage With Your Audience:

Social media is more than a megaphone; it’s a two-way street. Engage with your audience actively and respond to comments to increase your engagement - social media platforms want to keep people on the app, so if your content helps do this, you end up working with the algorithm.

If you see followers as money, your business will be stagnant. Building a community is going to take your business to levels you haven’t even thought about. 

Here are a few ways you can generate more engagement: 

  • Make your page interactive with Q&A stories, live streams and polls. Interact with the accounts you follow. Ask questions, and initiate conversations. If you find accounts that align with your ideal client, connect with them!

Nothing Beats Consistency: 

When it comes to establishing yourself as an authority figure in your industry, consistency is your best friend. Think about newspapers—if they suddenly stopped publishing news, we'd all be scratching our heads, right? Similarly, showing up diligently on your social media page is crucial. Create a weekly posting schedule and stick to it. This approach keeps your community engaged and signals to the algorithm that your content is worth sharing with a broader audience. Remember, becoming a reliable presence in your field is all about showing up consistently and delivering valuable content that your audience craves.

Need help creating a plan? Book a planning session. 

Keep Up with Popular Content Formats: 

Social media is always changing, and that’s because people’s preferences are never stationary. For example, the carousel posts that do well one month, might not the next. The evolving trends and features are only aimed at making interactions between businesses and buyers easier. Be open to trial and error, and learn what works best for your business. 

Remember, Social media is not just about making noise; it's about creating a community that becomes foundational to your business's online presence. With these 4 strategies in your toolkit, you can make a lasting impression on your audience and ultimately increase your revenue. 

Need help creating the right content for your business? Check out our most popular marketing packages here and book a free consultation. 


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